Our Team
MSEI is composed of a network of associates and collaborators with extensive experience in various sectors of science and engineering.
Our Experts

Jean René Dumont Chemist, M.Sc.
President & Chief of Operations – Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert
Jean René Dumont Chimist, M.Sc.
President & Chief of Operations – Scientific Expert
Mr. Dumont is responsible for overseeing all company mandates and supervision of the company’s engineers, scientists, technologists and technicians.
Jean René has more than forty years of experience in the chemical and food industry, in heavy industry and in various sectors related to the environment. He has developed specific equipment for the industry. He has been mandated to supervise environmental projects across Canada and internationally (Europe, Asia and Africa).
He is trained to handle and manage hazardous and toxic substances. He has acted as project manager for numerous environmental studies such as Phase I, Phase II and Phase III, risk analyses and hydrogeological studies.
Finally, Jean René is recognized as an expert witness and court expert before courts in Canada, the United States and Europe.
Jean René has a college education in Industrial Chemistry, a background in biochemical engineering, and a bachelor’s and master’s degree in chemistry.

Sylvain Allard Engineer, MBA
Executive Vice President – Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Metallurgy & Materials
Sylvain Allard Engineer, MBA
Executive Vice President – Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Metallurgy & Materials
Sylvain has been working as a multidisciplinary metallurgical engineer in the metallurgical field for over 30 years. He has developed a global perspective regarding businesses which specialise in various sectors such as metallurgy, mining, automobile, biomedical, aerospace, rail, and environmental, as well as in manufacturing in general.
Sylvain is responsible for the consulting services provided by MSEI with regard to materials and metallurgical processes.
These services include expertise (legal or non-legal) aiming to determine the cause of equipment, product or material failure which could have led to various kinds of losses in industrial, residential, commercial or institutional environments.
Sylvain also offers industrial consulting services regarding the following: processes, test protocols and laboratory follow-up, RS&DE programs, trials in plants and laboratories, studies in research centers for materials, intellectual property.

Laurent Arsenault Engineer, M.Sc. (Eng.), MBA
Vice President – Engineering – Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert
Laurent Arsenault Engineer, M.Sc. (Eng.), MBA
Vice President – Engineering – Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert
As a forensic engineer, Mr. Arsenault conducts investigations on accident and losses sites and prepares expert reports. He also performs tests and computer-based and laboratory simulations to verify hypotheses and establish the origin and cause of accidents and losses.
Mr. Arsenault is qualified as an expert in Court.

Amr Rouchdy Chemist, M.Sc.
Vice President – Science – Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert
Amr Rouchdy Chemist, M.Sc.
Vice President – Science – Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert
Mr. Rouchdy has over 40 years of experience in chemistry, environment and chemical processes. His expertise as a chemist acquired in several analytical laboratories has allowed him to acquire a solid experience in analytical chemistry, polymer chemistry and food chemistry.
Since 2015, he acts as a scientific expert for the determination of the causes and origins of failures causing material losses. In addition, he has acquired expertise in identifying the nature of contaminants, their origin.
He has been recognized as a forensic expert and expert witness in numerous legal cases in Quebec (provincial and federal courts).
Mr. Rouchdy obtained a Master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Montreal in 1987 and a B.Sc. in Industrial Chemistry in 1982 from the University of Quebec in Montreal.

Marie Allard
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Environment
Marie Allard
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Environment
As a MSEI senior project manager, Marie supervises a multidisciplinary team assigned to environmental characterization and rehabilitation projects. Her main duties include the evaluation, management and supervision of major environmental assessment projects, as well as provide business development assistance.
For over thirty years, she has gathered experience as technical project manager in major rehabilitation projects.
Her fields of expertise include the evaluation and management of asbestos containing materials, hydrocarbons and other chemical spills assessment and management, microbiology (moulds, bacteria, etc.) and the preparation of work protocols and management of major loss projects (water, fire, etc.).

Ian Harvey B.Sc. (Hons)
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Geoscience & Environment
Ian Harvey B.Sc. (Hons)
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Geoscience & Environment
Ian has over thirteen years’ experience in the fields of industrial hygiene, environment and construction, and in dealing with complex losses, latent defects and professional errors or omissions.
His expertise, acquired both in the field and in counter-expertise, has provided him with specialised knowledge in the identification and quantification of damage, deficiencies and contaminants in a variety of situations, including land and groundwater, institutional, industrial, commercial or residential buildings and their contents, and situations posing a toxicological risk to human health.
He regularly acts as an expert in the design and supervision of post-disaster rehabilitation of land as well as buildings and HVAC systems, contents, goods and equipment. In addition, Ian is engaged to carry out the review and interpretation of expert reports, independent investigations and the production of counter-expertise reports for insurance losses and court proceedings.
Ian has been involved in over 800 projects as a forensic scientist for insurance and legal professionals, industrial and food production clients, commercial sites and residential buildings.

David Rousseau Chemist, M.Sc.
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Materials – Chemistry
David Rousseau Chemist, M.Sc.
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Materials – Chemistry
David has over 35 years of experience in project management, development of validation methods, laboratory management, research and expertise. He has to his credit more than a thousand cases in the insurance, construction, industrial manufacturing, aeronautics, pharmaceutical, military and many other sectors.
His expertise includes, in addition to failure analysis or classical chemistry and mechanics tests, specific fields such as accelerated aging, transport simulation, juvenile products, organoleptic tests or the control of certain regulated dangerous products.
David is called upon to carry out evaluations and investigations relating to:
· materials (polymers, elastomers, composites, metals, wood or other);
· the design, manufacturing or use of finished products (contamination, creation of stress zones or abusive use);
· compliance with codes and standards in force during the production, handling, or use of complex components or systems.
His main duties are to provide technical and scientific advice to MSEI’s clients and to other parties involved in the files. During each phase of the project, David supports the various stakeholders in the production of protocols and expert reports.
David obtained a master’s degree in Materials Engineering from the University of Évry Val d’Essonne (associated member of the University of Paris-Saclay), France, in 1999.
David is a voting member of standards committees. He is also a technical evaluator for the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) and the Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ). He has been an inspector for the Ordre des chimistes du Québec (OCQ) for several years and is recognized as an expert witness before courts in Canada.

Yanick Ostiguy Bachelor of Engineering
Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Cause & Origin – Industrial Engineering
Yanick Ostiguy Bachelor of Engineering
Senior project manager – Scientific Expert – Fire expert – Industrial Engineering
Yanick has joined MSEI in 2022 as a Scientific Expert and Project Manager in industrial / mechanical Engineering fields. He specializes in fire inspections, nuclear physics and industrial processes. He has 15 years of experience in Quality Assurance, Legal Affairs and Environmental Health and Safety.
His fields of expertise also include Fire and explosion inspection, Pharmaceutical Processes and Radiation (exposure, field rates, protection).

Vincent April Civil Engineer, M.Eng.
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert
Vincent April Civil Engineer, M.Eng.
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert
Vincent April completed a Master’s degree in Construction Projects Management at École de technologie supérieure in Montréal, Québec in 2015. As a civil engineer, he is called upon to intervene in cases where failures have occurred in buildings or works, such as breakage of structural components (concrete, wood or steel). He also verifies the construction compliance with the current standards and state of the art.
His experience in the construction field and asset management allows him to analyze and comment on contractual disputes as well as the construction methods used. He is called upon to analyze complaints for work outside the contract or for damage suffered.
During the last years, he led several agricultural construction projects and managed a $107 M real estate portfolio. He also participated and coordinated the decontamination work in Lac-Mégantic, Québec in the days following the 2013 disaster. His duties included negotiating and awarding contracts with subcontractors, monitoring deadlines and managing the resources required for projects.

Pierre Amiot Bachelor of Engineering, CEP, IWE
Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Mechanical – Welding
Pierre Amiot Bachelor of Engineering, CEP, IWE
Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Mechanical – Welding
Pierre has joined MSEI in 2022 as a scientific expert. His expertise is divided into 2 poles: metallurgy (more precisely welding) and mechanical engineering.
Pierre has an International Welding Engineer (IWE) degree, an Essa Welding Specialized Engineer Degree as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Mecanical Engineering and a DUT in Mechanical and Production Engineering.

Simon Brousseau Engineer, M.Eng.
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Structural Civil Engineering
Simon Brousseau Engineer, M.Eng.
Senior Project Manager – Scientific Expert – Structural Civil Engineering
Simon Brousseau is a civil engineer at MSEI, specializing in structure and building envelope mandates. He acts as a scientific expert to determine the causes and origins of accidents and claims causing material losses, and prepares expert reports.
He is a holder of a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a professional Master’s degree in civil engineering from Polytechnique Montréal. He has many years of experience in consulting engineering involving buildings, bridges and structures.

Paul Hébert Civil Engineer, M.Sc.A
Senior Technical advisor – Affiliate to MSEI
Paul Hébert Civil Engineer, M.Sc.A
Senior Technical Advisor – Affiliate to MSEI
Mr. Paul Hébert began his career in 1972 as a project manager in soil and materials quality control and geotechnical engineering, then bought the company that hired him. As of 1977, he led a multidisciplinary technical team which provided services in soil, cement and asphalt concrete quality control, geotechnical engineering, phase I, II and III environmental studies, and expertise in masonry, roofing, and fenestration.
In May 2004, his 56-employee company was sold. Paul was appointed senior director of the Montréal branch, where he pursued his career until February 11, 2011. Since then, he provides services as a consultant in his areas of expertise.
Paul is a member of the following professional associations: Comité technique de l’Institut de la maçonnerie du Québec (since 1996), Institut d’arbitrage et de médiation du Québec (since 1994) and Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (since 1969). Paul is currently course responsible at l’École de Technologies Supérieures (ETS) in Montréal.
Paul is a technical adviror to MSEI’s experts in the following fields:
• Quality assurance (quality control of soil and cement concrete, supervision of roofing works);
• Expertise (surveys, masonry, window system, geotechnics, environment);
• Appearances (court expert, expert witness, arbitrator).
Throughout his career, Paul carried out a vast number of projects related to City of Montréal, Transport Ministry of Québec, universities, hospitals, commercial buildings and other institutions where his fields of expertise were needed.
Our Technicians

Claude Dumont
Senior Technician
Claude Dumont
Senior Technician
Claude has extensive experience in various manufacturing industries. He has held several positions, both in Quebec and in Europe.
Thanks to continuous professional training, Claude has also worked in various sectors related to the restoration after disasters and in the environmental industry. He worked to clean industrial and petroleum equipment, managed decontamination and cleaning up spills. In construction, Claude also has extensive experience in renovation and construction after disasters.
Claude joined MSEI in 2013 as a senior technician. He takes samples of air, water and soil. He also has large experience in the asbestos management records.

Bruno Jean B.Sc. Env.
Technical Manager – Senior Technician
Bruno Jean B.Sc. Env.
Technical Manager – Senior Technician
Bruno obtained his bachelor’s degree in Environmental sciences at Université du Québec in Montréal (UQAM), with a complementary training in fire prevention from the City of Montréal, as well as in industrial hygiene from UQAM. He possesses a multidisciplinary knowledge in analytical chemistry, environment, industrial hygiene, residential buildings, laboratory instruments, project management and pedagogical management.
Bruno has been involved in various projects since 1992, such as PCB Waste Management at Dorval Airport and Longue-Pointe military base. He has also done project management related to industrial mines waste management (SIDBEC DOSCO, QIT Fer et Titane), soil chemical characterisation for Hydro-Québec projects, closures of petroleum companies’ sites in East Montreal, sanitary waste disposition files, buildings and residential hygiene projects and many others.
Bruno has coordinated the regular activities of an environmental chemical analyses laboratory for five years. His work experience also includes being an environmental inspector for the Environment ministry for a year, a science teacher and coordinator for school labs for eight years as well as a specialist in laboratory instrumentation.

Pierre Colin
Pierre Colin
Pierre Colin joined MSEI in 2023 as an industrial hygiene technician. He takes air, water and soil samples and assists project managers.
He has worked in different sectors related to mechanical engineering, civil engineering, industrial hygiene, environment, microbiology, chemistry, materials and metallurgy.
Pierre also has extensive experience working in Canada’s Northern regions with indigenous communities (Nunavik) and Newfoundland/Labrador.
Our Collaborators

We also work with several experienced collaborators in various fields such as microbiology, engineering, agronomy, and origins and causes.
Our Administration

Chantal Carbonneau
Administrative Director
Chantal Carbonneau
Administrative Director
Ms. Carbonneau began her career as a secretary-receptionist and later worked within senior secretarial staff for a prominent insurance company. She later joined an engineering firm of Laval as director of support staff for engineers, where she worked for fifteen years. During this period, she demonstrated excellent organizational skills and human resource management abilities.
Ms. Carbonneau joined the team of MEC, which later became MSEI, as Office Manager at the inception of the company in October 2006.

Audrey Melissa Gilbert
Receptionist and Administrative Assistant
Audrey Melissa Gilbert
Receptionist and Administrative Assistant
After 10 years in the intellectual property field, Audrey Melissa joined the ranks of MSEI in 2012 as an administrative assistant. Unfortunately, for personal reasons, she had to leave the company in 2014.
Ten years later, through a fortuitous set of circumstances, Audrey Melissa is back in the team. In addition to running the reception desk, she provides clerical support for the production of reports and other documents, as well as accounting support.
An inquisitive perfectionist, Audrey Melissa loves to learn and acquire new skills. She loves teamwork and performs well under pressure. Her grammatical skills in both French and English, as well as her attention to detail and conscientiousness, are recognized by her colleagues.

Isabelle Carbonneau
Administrative Assistant
Isabelle Carbonneau
Administrative assistant
Isabelle joined the MSEI’s team in 2015 as an administrative assistant. She works remotely on computer to review and correct texts, and to integrate photos and various documents for the office.
Isabelle has a few years of experience as a legal secretary in Montreal law firms. She has also worked as a word processing clerk for computer companies and the National Film Board of Canada.
The various clerical tasks she carried out during these years gave her a diverse and enriching experience. Rigour, precision, a sense of observation, a taste for a job well done and grammar skills are assets that she certainly possesses.