Monthly Archives: January 2024

UV Rays and Cellular Damages

The chemical reactions induced by light are studied by a branch of chemistry that is called, not surprisingly, photochemistry. By light, we mean here "electromagnetic waves"; which includes, in addition to visible light, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR). Wave families are classified by frequency, which is equivalent to classifying them according to their energy. To [...]

UV Rays and Cellular Damages2024-06-13T16:47:46+00:00

Polarized Glasses: How Do They Work?

Visible light is a wave, just like microwaves, X-rays, UV rays and radio waves. They are called electromagnetic waves and are generally represented as a sinusoid, similar to a jumping rope that is waved. Contrary to the other kinds of electromagnetic waves, light can be very effectively processed by our brain. This little [...]

Polarized Glasses: How Do They Work?2024-11-28T14:25:46+00:00

Summer Thunderstorms: Characteristics and Energy

Summer thunderstorms are often characterized by their intensity and the large quantities of water they produce over a short period of time on a territory. These events may generate floods and significant claims for insurers. Figures 1 and 2 show typical thunderstorm cells observed in the summer, generally coinciding with hot and humid weather. Such storm [...]

Summer Thunderstorms: Characteristics and Energy2024-06-14T12:34:11+00:00
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